Area Code 270 Information

Area Code 270
Population 107264
Type of Code: General Purpose Code
Geographic(G) or non-geographic(N): G
Is this code assigned: Yes
Is this code in use: Y
In service date: 1999-04-19
Planning Letter(s): 449 415 408 391 376 371 365 155
Location: KY
Country: US
Time Zone: EC
Parent NPA: 502

The 270 area code covers a diverse range of locations across western Kentucky. It encompasses several urban centers, each distinguishable by their specific zip codes:

  • Bowling Green: 42101, 42102, 42103, 42104
  • Owensboro: 42301, 42302, 42303, 42304
  • Paducah: 42001, 42002, 42003
  • Henderson: 42419, 42420
  • Hopkinsville: 42240, 42241

Other significant cities and settlements within the 270 area code region include Madisonville, Radcliff, Elizabethtown, and Murray, which collectively are home to over 200 zip codes.

According to data from World Population Review, the population within the 270 area code was approximately 880,000 in 2021. The largest cities in the area, Bowling Green and Owensboro, account for significant portions of this population, with around 71,623 and 60,131 residents, respectively. Paducah and Henderson also contribute sizable numbers, with populations of approximately 24,865 and 28,432.

The economy of the 270 area code region is diverse, featuring prominent industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, healthcare, and education. The area is particularly known for its tobacco, corn, and soybean production. Significant employers in the region include Western Kentucky University, Fruit of the Loom, Owensboro Health, and Baptist Health.

The lifestyle in the 270 area code region blends urban and rural experiences. Cities like Bowling Green and Owensboro offer a range of arts, entertainment, and shopping, while the peace of smaller towns and countryside areas provide a relaxing contrast. The region is also home to natural attractions such as Mammoth Cave National Park and Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area.

Educational opportunities in the 270 area code are plentiful, with higher education institutions including Western Kentucky University, Kentucky Wesleyan College, and Murray State University. Additionally, numerous public and private primary and secondary schools cater to diverse academic and cultural needs.

Tourist attractions and landmarks within the 270 area code include:

  • Mammoth Cave National Park, housing the world's largest known cave system.
  • The National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green, showcasing America's iconic sports car.
  • Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area, a 170,000-acre nature reserve.
  • Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley, offering a range of water-based recreational activities.
  • The Western Kentucky Parkway and the Natcher Parkway, featuring scenic drives through Kentucky's history and natural beauty.

The importance of the 270 area code region goes beyond its economic and educational contributions. Its cultural offerings, recreational opportunities, and the blend of urban and rural living conditions create a unique living and working environment. The strong sense of community in this distinctive part of Kentucky makes it a compelling destination for residents and visitors alike.

Area Code Zipcodes

Zipcode City State
40037 LORETTO Indiana
40049 NERINX Indiana
40104 BATTLETOWN Indiana
40104 WOLF CREEK Indiana
40108 BRANDENBURG Indiana
40115 CUSTER Indiana
40115 DYER Indiana
40115 GARFIELD Indiana
40140 CONSTANTINE Indiana
40140 GARFIELD Indiana
40144 HARNED Indiana
40144 LOCUST HILL Indiana
40144 SE REE Indiana
40145 HUDSON Indiana
42031 CLINTON Indiana
42031 CROLEY Indiana
42031 FULGHAM Indiana
42031 MOSCOW Indiana
42031 NEW CYPRESS Indiana
42031 OAKTON Indiana
42041 CAYCE Indiana
42041 CRUTCHFIELD Indiana
42041 FULTON Indiana
42050 HICKMAN Indiana
42101 BOWLING GREEN Indiana
42101 BOWLING GRN Indiana
42101 HADLEY Indiana
42101 PLUM SPRINGS Indiana
42102 BOWLING GREEN Indiana
42103 BOWLING GREEN Indiana
42104 BOWLING GREEN Indiana
42120 ADOLPHUS Indiana
42122 ALLEN SPRINGS Indiana
42122 ALVATON Indiana
42128 BOWLING GREEN Indiana
42153 HOLLAND Indiana
42160 PARK CITY Indiana
42163 ROCKY HILL Indiana
42164 GAINESVILLE Indiana
42164 HALFWAY Indiana
42164 HALIFAX Indiana
42164 SCOTTSVILLE Indiana
42164 TRAMMEL Indiana
42206 AUBURN Indiana
42206 RICHELIEU Indiana
42206 SOUTH UNION Indiana
42207 BEE SPRING Indiana
42220 ALLEGRE Indiana
42220 ELKTON Indiana
42259 MAMMOTH CAVE Indiana
42259 OLLIE Indiana
42285 KYROCK Indiana
42285 SWEEDEN Indiana
42301 OWENSBORO Indiana
42301 SAINT JOSEPH Indiana
42301 ST JOSEPH Indiana
42301 STANLEY Indiana
42302 OWENSBORO Indiana
42303 OWENSBORO Indiana
42304 OWENSBORO Indiana
42334 CURDSVILLE Indiana
42356 MAPLE MOUNT Indiana
42377 W LOUISVILLE Indiana
42629 BRYAN Indiana
42629 CREELSBORO Indiana
42629 JAMESTOWN Indiana
42629 ROWENA Indiana
42629 SEWELLTON Indiana
42717 BAKERTON Indiana
42717 BOW Indiana
42717 BURKESVILLE Indiana
42717 DUBRE Indiana
42717 KETTLE Indiana
42717 PEYTONSBURG Indiana
42717 WATERVIEW Indiana
42724 CECILIA Indiana
42724 STEPHENSBURG Indiana
42724 VERTREES Indiana
42732 E VIEW Indiana
42732 EASTVIEW Indiana
42732 MEETING CREEK Indiana
42732 SUMMIT Indiana
42733 ELK HORN Indiana
42740 GLENDALE Indiana
42743 GREENSBURG Indiana
42758 MANNSVILLE Indiana
42759 MARROWBONE Indiana
42782 SUMMERSVILLE Indiana


Where is area code 270?

The Area code 270 is located in Kentucky and includes the following cities:
  • Bowling Green
  • Elizabethtown
  • Henderson
  • Hopkinsville
  • Owensboro
  • Paducah
  • Radcliff